UK Used Textiles Market Report 2019: WRAP
The UK remains the second largest exporter of used textiles globally while the quantity of textiles going to residual waste is increasing.
WRAP’s latest report looks at recent developments in the market for UK used textiles as well as key factors shaping the outlook for the sector.
There were 336,000 tonnes of clothing in the household residual waste in 2017 destined for landfill or incineration, represents a 10% increase since 2014/2015.
Most of the UK used textiles that are collected for re-use and recycling are destined for the re-use market: 32% is re-used in the UK, sold mostly in charity shops, and around 60% is exported.
The report takes a look at textile consumption, used textiles in residual waste as well as those collected for reuse and recycling. It examines some of the end markets for used textiles and prices for used textiles.
WRAP also outlines the prospects for extended producer responsibility and issues around microfibres.
Read the full report here.