Home / News / UK Packaging EPR: Understand current and future obligations with UKFT associate member Valpak

UK Packaging EPR: Understand current and future obligations with UKFT associate member Valpak


UKFT associate member Valpak offers two free of charge services to UKFT members to guide them through the new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging reporting obligations. Both services are free of charge and include an initial and follow-up annual check on your UK Packaging EPR obligations. These services are open to small organisations within the scope of the legislation and to businesses that currently don’t have packaging EPR obligations. Scroll down to find out more.


Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) shifts the full cost of managing household waste to producers to deliver a more circular economy for packaging. EPR will also change how non-household packaging waste is managed and its reprocessing is financed. UK based businesses that use, supply or import packaging and are within the scope of the legislation, have an obligation to collect data, report and pay fees if ALL of the following points apply:

  • A physical presence in the UK
  • An annual UK turnover in excess of £1 million
  • Perform a packaging activity – see here for details
  • Handle more than 25 tonnes of packaging and/or packaging materials


Valpak Small Producer Membership Service

(Free of charge)

Small Organisations (Producers) within the scope of the legislation and that are currently collecting packaging data, do not have data reporting obligations until 2025. To help small producers get prepared for their reporting obligations next year, Valpak has launched a new membership service called the ‘Small Producer Membership Service’.

If you are a small producer, within the scope of the UK Packaging EPR obligations or you are ensure if this applies to you, this service will give you access to Valpak’s member exclusive newsletters and webinars to stay up-to-date with your obligations. When the small producer submissions go live you will be prompted to complete the data form and submit. If you would like to subscribe to this service, please email info@ukft.org and request the application form.

Valpak Non-Obligated Member Service

(Free of charge) This service is for businesses that currently have NO packaging EPR obligations but want to be prepared for future changes.

Businesses that are not yet obligated to collect data or report their packaging activities under the UK Packaging EPR obligations can subscribe to the Valpak Non-Obligated Member Service. This is a free of charge service that provides an annual reminder to review your obligation status.

It also advises on key changes to the Regulations or changes to thresholds, offers free 1-2-1 technical support in relation to Producer Responsibility Regulations. This service provides invitations to Valpak events and fortnightly industry News Update briefings, to keep you up to date with changes in legislation and government consultations. If you would like to subscribe to this service, please email info@ukft.org and request the application form.


About Valpak

Valpak, UKFT’s Associate Member and Global Compliance Partner, is a leading provider of environmental compliance solutions.

Since the UK Packaging Waste Regulations were introduced in 1997, Valpak has provided simple and innovative environmental compliance solutions to over 4,000 customers in every corner of the globe, including fashion brands and textile manufacturers.

Valpak continues to innovate and grow, now offering additional services to cover wider areas of sustainability, including carbon management, energy management, packaging analysis, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) support and data management – helping companies to meet environmental objectives, mitigate costs and ensure compliance all over the world.


Click on the link below to find out more about the new EPR for packaging regulations:

Report packaging data under the new EPR for Packaging regulations