Home / UKFT’s Sustainability Conference 2024 / UKFT’s Sustainability 2024 conference programme

26 September 2024 in London

Tackling Textile Waste in the UK: Legislation, Impact and Solutions


UKFT’s Sustainability Conference 2024 will delve deeper into ‘Tackling Textile Waste in the UK: Legislation, Impact and Solutions‘ on 26 September 2024 in London.

Programme subject to change.

  • 9:00: Registration and coffee


  • 10:00: Welcome & Introduction – Adam Mansell, CEO
  • 10:05: Establishing an industry-led EPR system for fashion and textiles: The data sandbox project – Adam Mansell, CEO
  • 10:10: Learning lessons from EPR systems of the past – Libby Peake, Green Alliance
  • 10:30: Objectives, findings and recommendations from the EPR data sandbox project – Gerrard Fisher, QSA Partners


  • 11:10: Coffee break


  • 11:35: Brands and retailers share their experience – Katharine Beacham, Marks & Spencer; Sue Fairley, New Look; Tim Clark, John Smedley
  • 12:05: How EPR could work in fashion – Scott Butler and Vanessa Gibbin, Material Focus
  • 12:25: Exploring the evidence base: Back to Baselines – Steve Russell, University of Leeds
  • 12:30: The importance of good data management – Julian Tait, Open 3P
  • 12:45: The visible fee project – Steve Russell, University of Leeds
  • 12:55: Share your feedback on EPR
  • 13:00: Lunch
  • 14:00: ACT UK: Developing a pioneering pre-processing demonstrator for waste textiles – Flor Canencia, UKFT
  • 14:05: Post-consumer textile collection trials (retail, postal, online and more) – Ross Barry, Reskinned; Katherine Beacham, Marks & Spencer; Majonne Frost, Salvation Army Trading Company (SATCol); Edward Gillespie, Oxfam; Peter Page, Textile Recycling International (TRI)
  • 14:40: Textile Sorting Technology For Recycling – Shan Dulanty and Elizabeth Brown, Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)
  • 15:00: Update on the plans for the first UK Advanced Textile Sorting and Pre-processing facility (ATSP) – engineering, site selection and more – Cyndi Rhoades, Circle-8 Textile Ecosystems; Johanna Stemberger, TOMRA Textiles
  • 15: 35: Coffee break
  • 15:55: Recycling supply chain – the opportunity for recycling in the UK plus updates on the latest polyester, cotton and wool trials – Cristina Sabaiduc, WRAP; Bernie Thomas, Salvation Army Trading Company (SATCol), Dr John Parkinson, iinouiio; Muhammad Tausif, University of Leeds; Jodie Padgett, Camira
  • 16:35: Developing a life cycle assessment (LCA) of an ATSP facility and the ecosystem – Akhil Sivanandan, Green Story
  • 16.55: Solutions beyond waste management – Tim Cross, Plan B/Circular Textiles Foundation; Tony Burns, ACS; Jenny Holloway, Fashion Enter
  • 17.20: What comes next – challenges and opportunities – Adam Mansell, UKFT
  • 17:25: Drinks & social

Are you a compliance or sustainability specialist at a major UK brands and retailer? To register your place, please contact info@ukft.org