The role of the training provider
Most employers use an external training provider to deliver training to apprentices. There are three main types of training providers – private training providers, further education colleges and universities.
Training providers that deliver nationally-approved apprenticeship programmes attract public funding through a contract with their relevant nations’ funding organisation.
All training providers in receipt of government funding will adhere to specific quality criteria in order to attain the funds. Examples include Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in England and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) in Scotland.
Training providers are responsible for giving a range of support to employers including:
- Teaching the knowledge and understanding (off-the-job) elements of the programme
- Delivering functional/core skills such as English, Maths etc.
- Assessing apprentices in the workplace (in N.Ireland, Scotland and Wales)
- Preparing apprentices for their End-Point Independent Assessment methods (in England)
- Managing the funding of an Apprentices training
For an up to date list of Training Providers delivering in England search here.
Are you a Training Provider?
Are you delivering fashion and textile apprenticeships? Are you looking to start?
The UKFT skills and training team offer a range of support to institutions in our capacity as the Sector Skills Body for fashion and textiles. We can offer advice and guidance to providers as they begin to deliver apprenticeships for the first time or to develop their existing offer.
UKFT Education Partners can access the support of the skills team as part of membership and more in depth consultancy services, if required, at a reduced rate. The skills team can also support and supply testimonies for OFSTED inspections.
Find out more about how we work with universities, colleges and training providers below.
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