Are you manufacturing in, selling to, or buying from South Korea?
The Rules of Origin, secured in the UK-South Korea free trade agreement that dates back to 2021, provides for 0% duty on qualifying, originating goods passing between the UK and South Korea. The 2021 agreement included a provision for EU cumulation ie the inclusion of fabrics from EU member states for any goods made in the UK or Korea. The provision for EU cumulation was extended in 2023 and is due to expire on 31 December 2025.
From 1 January 2026, if the UK has not completed negotiations for an updated FTA with South Korea and/or secured an extension to the existing agreement, EU inputs will have to meet the product specific rules of the agreement in the same way as other third country materials.
Negotiations continue between the UK and South Korea to agree a new future proofed set of rules of origin as part of an enhanced trade agreement. This agreement allows for both parties to agree to extend this period further, should it be required.
UKFT Members: Contact UKFT on for a copy of the UKFT Guide to the UK-South Korea Free Trade Agreement.