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Energy efficiency grants for Westminster businesses


UK fashion and textile companies based in Westminster can save energy and reduce costs with the new Energy Efficiency Grant. This grant, open until March 2025, is designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), voluntary and community organisations, and landlords with SME tenants in Westminster implement quick, energy-saving retrofits.

The scheme offers grants of up to £10,000 (or £20,000 for social enterprises) to implement the recommendations of a personalised energy savings plan.

Eligible businesses must:

  • Have fewer than 250 employees
  • Have a total balance sheet of less than £18 million
  • Have a physical trading address in Westminster
  • Not be in financial difficulty
  • Have an Energy Savings Plan or an equivalent pre-approved energy and carbon audit

The grant supports various energy-efficient retrofits that don’t require planning approval. Eligible projects include:

  • Insulation and draught-proofing
  • Electrification of commercial kitchens
  • Air curtains
  • LED lighting upgrades
  • Hand dryer upgrades
  • Other light-touch, carbon-saving retrofits recommended in the Energy Reduction Plan

Find out more and apply