Home / News / UKFT’s Sustainability Conference: Glossary of Terms

UKFT’s Sustainability Conference: Glossary of Terms


Term or abbr.
B2B Back to Baselines programme managed by Leeds Institute of Textiles & Colours (LiTAC)
BFC British Fashion Council (including the Institute of Positive Fashion)
BRC British Retail Consortium
Central Fund A proposed fund to support circular activities such as repair, reuse, and recycling.
Circular Economy An economic system aimed at eliminating waste and the continual use of resources through reuse, repair, refurbishment, and recycling.
Circularity The practice of designing products and systems to reduce waste, reuse materials, and recycle end-of-life products.
Circular Attributes Characteristics of products that support a circular economy, including durability, repairability, recyclability, and the use of recycled content.
Data Integration The process of combining data from different sources to provide a unified view.
Eco-modulation Adjusting fees based on the environmental impact of products to incentivise sustainable practices.
EPR Extended Producer Responsibility – a policy approach where producers are given significant responsibility for the treatment or disposal of post-consumer products.
Defra Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs – the UK government department responsible for environmental protection, food production and standards, agriculture, fisheries and rural communities.
IPF Institute of Positive Fashion (part of the British Fashion Council)
IPR Individual Producer Responsibility – a version of EPR where producers pay fees proportional to the impact of the products they sell (rather than an average fee for all producers of the same type of product – this is called Collective Producer Responsibility)
LiTAC Leeds Institute of Textiles & Colours: operators of the Back to Baselines (B2B) Programme.
NICER National Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Research – a programme funded by Innovate UK to support research in circular economy practices managed by the University of Exeter Business School.
ODM Open Data Manchester – an independent organisation dedicated to development of clear, useful data.
OSD Open Standard for Data (example: Open3P standard for packaging data)
PCS Producer Compliance Scheme(s) – organisations that manage data reporting on EPR for brands on packaging, WEEE, batteries, etc.
SKU Stock Keeping Unit – a unique identifier for each distinct product and service that can be purchased.
UKFT UK Fashion & Textiles Association
Variable Fee System A system where fees are adjusted based on specific attributes of the products, such as their environmental impact.
WEFT A new independent company established to manage the EPR sandbox system and conduct further data analysis.