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UKFT launches the Innovations in Textile and Apparel Dyeing Report


UKFT is delighted to launch the ‘Innovations in Textile and Apparel Dyeing’ report, which highlights the latest global innovations in dyeing within the textile and apparel supply chain. The aim of this report is to encourage innovators, brands, retailers and manufacturers to work together so that the industry can collectively achieve our environmental impact reduction goals. We believe that with its significant social, economic and environmental impact both domestically and internationally, the UK is uniquely positioned to drive this sustainability transformation.


UKFT's Textile and Apparel Dyeing Report infographic

This report aims to inspire the apparel and textile industry to stay up to date with the innovation landscape, explore the innovations that are featured and integrate these into their products, processes and supply chains.

This report outlines:

  • More than 25 innovations in textile and apparel dyeing in the areas of: technology, colour and recycling
  • The importance of circularity across textile and apparel dyeing, with a focus on the dye recycling stage
  • The role of standards and certifications for textile and apparel dyeing


This report has been developed by UKFT with the support from UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) and the Circular Fashion Innovation Network. It is part of the sustainable manufacturing pillar, which also includes projects and interventions to explore volume manufacturing in the UK, enhance existing UK manufacturing capacity and decarbonise manufacturing. Find out more here.